The United Nations implemented a plan to eradicate One Billion people off of the poverty roles by 2030, commonly called the Strategic Development Goals. T25CL Entertainment was requested to do a performance based on these issues as it pertains to hunger, health and wellness, women’s’ rights, sustainable energy and education.
T25CL’s Global initiative is to utilize the common language of music and entertainment to bring hope to those who are seeking help in many ways. Often, governments ignore the real people issues in their countries and sell off their natural resources to major corporations and the wealth is retained by the ruling elite and the masses of citizens are ignored. T25CL brings light to these issues with our music and film-making. Please Support us so that we can support many.
WE CARE Solar Co-Founder Dr. Laura Stachel went to Northern Nigeria in 2008 to study ways to lower maternal mortality in state hospitals. She witnessed deplorable conditions in state facilities including sporadic electricity that impaired maternity and surgical care. Without a reliable source of electricity, nighttime deliveries were attended in near darkness, cesarean sections were canceled or conducted by flashlight, and critically ill patients waited hours or days for life-saving procedures. The outcomes were often tragic.
Starring: Rosalyn Jordan-Mills, Mark Allen Felton, Brenda Lee Eager, Charles Small,
Myron Edwins, Cleveland Jones and The Five Tempting Men, Balle Fette Dance Troupe
Producers: Andre Ward, Rosalyn Jordan-Mills, Ricardo Burgess
Executive Producer: Roxanne Chinn, Jonathan Newsom
Directed By: Samm Styles and Tony Paulley Technical Director: Gregory Harrison
Cinema Photography: Eddie Lankford and Ernie Fields